
Showing posts from 2013

New Year Resolution of making the rest of your life the best of Your Life

Take Bold Action Today! ... ------------------- What will it take for you to win the war that is raging inside your mind and begin to achieve the consistent results you demand in the most important areas of your life?  No matter what your answer is this one thing is for sure, success takes more than belief.  It requires purposeful action by YOU. True, this is your life. It is your responsibility to make it matter and transform your belief system to one in which you can choose your Pathway to bring intelligence to your body and mind... Sure, your comfort zone will make every effort to justify your reasons for not proceeding with placing healthy dependency to work in every area of your life dimensions. As of right now, many have decided to no longer sit back with a victim mentality, but to Accept no excuses! They have committed to: Pray, Meditate, Trust, Build themselves an arch of courage within to go through their pain, fear and move th...

Resolve to make the New year YOUR best year ever...

Are you exactly where you want to be? Be honest—how often did you say to yourself, “there must be more to this.” What's one thing you've been putting off because you've been afraid to start? Can you identify the exact source of your greatest fear? Which step forward can you take to reduce your fear and get on with your task? I encourage you to stop waiting for things to happen and instead start taking purposeful action. Authentic Success takes more than belief. It requires purposeful action by YOU.  As you know, it is not Living that matters, but Living Purposefully and you cannot move forward unless you are prepared to operate in an experiential way, engage in new experiences, and thereby acquire a different perspective on life for the New year. Give it a go for the new year. Success On Purpose is a prime example. If you haven’t yet signed up for one of these life-changing transformational ser...