Resolution Revolution in Your Life
Stop Waiting For Life To Happen To You ... Take a moment to think about your Number One personal goal for this Year... How Committed To It Are You? Are You Absolutely Certain? Give it a Go! Do not waste time with "maybe." Step into the infinite possibilities of your life! Standing on life's stage, do not let others define you... If you do not rise to the challenge of what gives your life meaning , to seek the kinds of growth that you find fulfilling, then you cannot have peace, vitality and authentic success : You will live in a world that is determined by the will of others, in which you will be constantly buffeted and increasingly isolated by the changes around you... Take an honest assessment of your 'Self'... Live your Truth! Step into the unfamiliarity of your journey... Step Up! Discover the steps necessary to shift limiting beliefs. Realize that you are not ruined or defective goods... Do Not miss your appointment with y...