
Showing posts from January 8, 2017


We have been in a place of desperation and yes, we have been wrestling with life. It has been very difficult. It seems impossible for us to do the work and create an authentic-interaction with our true nature and transform ourselves for success. This may not be our fault and we were never trained on how to infuse our daily lives with the attributes of our true nature. We long to experience authentic-interaction with our true nature and fulfillment. We find ourselves struggling, passionately searching for exactly how to make a meaningful difference and finally live the life we were meant to live, our true nature. We are searching for ways to align ourselves with a higher calling and a deeper purpose. It is challenging to be affected by circumstances, which are completely out of our control. It is also true, when we can accept that all our struggles and frustrations have kept us from joining the flow of our authentic-interaction with the attributes of our true nature, we have ...

Emotional Intelligence, the Missing Key

Our Life. Our Feelings. Our Emotions. Our responsibility to create a new way of living on the raw edge of becoming the captain of our life, having a surer sense of how we choose to process our emotional aches in order to develop emotional intelligence.  This is indeed a challenging moment and we are carrying what I call "Aches.” Aches that we have yet to heal.  It is affecting our life, our feelings and our emotions.  We continue to experience certain tensions in different parts of our body.  They are related to these aches. They are related to repressed emotions. These aches create certain illnesses. They affect our life and suddenly, there is fear. Suddenly there is sadness. And we cannot find the reason for it.  We cannot change the past, so why should we carry the past as a burden to create more and more suffering for ourselves and others because we fail to let go of the past and develop emotionally... < Read More > ----- ...

Forgiveness, a Radical Approach

I choose to look at forgiveness from a radical approach and the point of view that, if I let go and move on, my mind is clear to concentrate on what I desire in life. With true, heart-felt forgiveness: I am free to be fully human.  I am free to choose what I want and need to do to take care my 'Self'. I am committed to acting from the awareness that I am  100% the source of my reality. I attend to my daily spiritual food, such as peace of mind, love, compassion, grace, courage, wisdom, beauty, harmony, joy and laughter. I eliminate the dysfunctional thought patterns and free myself from constantly re-experiencing the emotional pain from the past. The Price Is Eternal Vigilance and I would love to be able to say that forgiveness is easy to do. While it is simple, it definitely is not easy. The ego is a trickster and it wants to control us. When we are feeling good, the ego uses unforgiving memories to cause negative emotions such as anger, rage, resentmen...

Key Principles of Breakthrough to Success

What would it take for us to draw from our unlimited true nature and actually live the life we desire, the secret that sleeps in our authentic hearts? A call for us to a ctively reject mediocrity , f ree our mind from limiting habits and e ngage in a continuous daily process of self-measurement, self-evaluation and self-improvement; so we can produce better results in the New Year and beyond. We will also be called to discover our true nature through the path of transformation and learn the key principles geared to help us eliminate frustration, acquire resiliency in order to unleash our inner strength and tap into our true source of wealth.  I believe these principles must call us to do what is required and apply the science of achievement through transformation and breaking through to our success . Some things require certain actions to achieve them and we have to do them whether we like doing them or not. That is, if we want to break through to our success this New...

Breakthrough to our Success on Purpose

On the dance floor of life some of us wear the chain of fear and shackle ourselves. However, on the dance floor of life there are no psychological police. Only we can step over that threshold into the prison of image, the image of expectations, the prison of fear and the prison of anxiety. We lock ourselves up within an uncontrolled idea of belief/thought and/or feeling. It is a helpless place to be trapped. That space on the dance floor of life is the shape of our reality. We cannot see beyond our pain and we are completely blind to the fact that it is us who construct this prison and decide to stay locked in; this punishment is mainly self-punishment. There comes a time in our life when we have to look into the reflection of the mirror on the dance floor of life to realize how we let what happened to us seize our inner courage. True, we were so hurt that we were no longer able to distinguish our life from the hurt. It took over completely. We acted in complicity with ...