Creating the life you want
I believe, with the right tools and support, you can create a life that is more loving, prosperous, abundant and balanced. You may need to identify exactly what's holding you back from being Energetic, Passionate, Focused and Committed in order to ELIMINATE the root-cause. This will require you to embrace the power of an expanded positive attitude. An invitation for you to never quit and consciously choose productive thoughts. That is, you will take the role of being the master of your thoughts every moment, and there will be nothing you cannot act on with confidence and passion. This will include: Pursuing goals that are directly aligned with your core values and personal MISSION. Moving towards more of what you love to do and the ways you can honor yourself. Living a life in the full, passionate expression of your true Purpose and in the sacred service of your heart's desire. However, the ratio of what you have the right to EXPECT over your ability to EXECUTE govern...