
Showing posts from April 16, 2017

The Sweet Whisper of Optimism

Sitting here in this moment, giving thanks for this weekend moment, reaching every corner of my mind and heart while reflecting in the warmth of the quiet moment with the sweet whisper of optimism. Feeling the peace and the stillness in this weekend moment. Feeling great love in every part of my whole being and gratitude. Thank you for sharing with me the magnetic of your humanness here in this journey. We fray into the future, rarely wrought save in the tapestries of afterthought. More time, more time and enough time, the sweet whisper of optimism invites us to practice extreme self-care .   This weekend is another opportunity for us to acknowledge the joy, and ‘sweet’ we already have in our life and where we can find, peace, wisdom, balance, great love, healing and all things good. The sweet whisper of optimism reminds us to be in the moment with grace, know that our life has great value and be open to all its possibilities. At night, look at the northern-sky and in the warmth...


I N T E N T I O N A L   E X C E L L E N C E As of right now, many have decided to no longer sit back with a victim mentality, and to accept no excuses. They have committed to build themselves an arch of courage within to go through their fear and move their comfort zone forward. They have committed to be responsible and raise their awareness to a higher level that will genuinely bring new dimensions of fulfillment and success into their life. They choose to celebrate the unending gift that life offers---the gift of perpetual renewal, every breath of their life. They make this a decisive moment and choose to make the REST of their life the BEST of their life through Intentional Excellence . As of right now, we also can choose to be frustrated by what we believe has been lost, and feel pained and sad about it. Spend a lifetime grieving over a blown opportunity, or a relationship that went wrong. Or, we can choose not to make a decision. That is also a decision which could...


What on earth are we here for? I believe it is to work our way out of the safety of the cocoon and emerge into our individual Light, living our best life purposefully. The question remains, how in the world are we going to make this happen? We may have to seek a new course where we become everything we were created to be. That is, find the narrow gate that leads to life. Where personal commitment and transformational change transport us out of ourselves and the obsolete past into the enormous and inviting mystery, creating an unstoppable sense of passion and purpose.  YES, we CAN live a life of passion and PURPOSE. Once we know WHY we are here and WHAT we are supposed to do with the only life we have to live. It is also true, all of us experience personal winters . However, the attitude that we choose to take toward this experience has a huge impact on our life. It is a significant determinant of how we experience this human journey. Here's the choice we have: We can be frustra...