Respond Effectively to Stress
Have you noticed how much stress is affecting you, even as it takes a heavy toll? To put it bluntly , stress can kill you . It is well documented and proven that stress and illness are linked. Stress can suppress the immune system enough to increase your risk of developing physical illness. Studies have revealed that stress causes deterioration in everything from your gums to your heart and can make you more susceptible to everything from the common cold to cancer. Adding insult to injury, stress may even have a self-perpetuating effect. H ow many of the following health problems linked to stress affect you? Stress Affects Health: Heart Disease Diabetes Sleep disorders Obesity or being unable to lose weight Depression and anxiety Immune system disorders Skin disorders and hair loss High blood pressure It may not always feel like it, but the choices are yours to make. ACTIVELY choose to find the strength and courage to invest in improving t...