Thanks and Giving

------------ We are living in very taxing and challenging times. The last few months have not been easy for many and most of us are feeling the emotional weight of the unknown. During this moment of thanks and giving for divine goodness, it can be easy to latch onto the negative spiral and ride it all the way down. I trust we will also agree that we have a choice everyday regarding our heart's desires through our attitude. A call for us to reflect and choose a different twist that could help us eliminating the diversions that are keeping us from living a life of exceptional MEANING and becoming an individual force for good. Becoming the magnificent human beings through the power of thanks and giving. The point here is that we have the ability to act, think and feel differently about the current state of affairs. Sounds simple, but it is not always easy. However, we can do it if we commit to arise each morning and beyond with the voice of appreciation for th...