Windsor's Perspective of the Simple Truth (Part 2 of 2)

The simple truth, no matter how impatient you are on the dig, the excavation process cannot be rushed; when you hit a bedrock of disbelief and discouragement, the undeniable romance of the treasure hunt will always save the day. The search for your authentic ‘Self’, for something more, is a sacred adventure. True, it requires awareness, commitment, conviction, courage, defiance, decisiveness, discipline, forgiveness and the willingness to STOP the noise and see beyond the superficial world of today, to a life of substance with deeper, clearer values. You will also be called to invest in your ‘Self’ and a process that will help you to uncover all the stimulating choices you will ever need to be able to live this life as your true ‘Self’. Your Life. Your Choice. The simple truth is that you are called to make a conscious choice every day to shed the old---whatever “the old” means for you—old issues, old guilt, old patterns, old responses, old resentments, old rivalries. ...