Self Care
Are you aware? Are you stuck in a repetitive cycle? Are you aware that you can free yourself? Are you stuck in a repetitive cycle where there is no escape? What will it take for you to keep yourself on track in order to develop Emotional Intelligence and experience Intimacy and true Love ? Self Care - It is not only an intellectual process. Self Care is to: Bring your words and actions into alignment with your desires. Commit to constant and never-ending improvement. Self Care is a constantly changing , evolving art. It requires pure awareness, presence, self-love and a commitment to keep getting better and better every day. Without pure awareness, you will always be struggling against something. With it, you are at liberty to create the life and experiences You desire. Liberty to pursue what you want: How can you improve today? How can you do better than before? Where can you learn a new skill or develop a new competency? What will you do Someday to tru...