You are called to create a Resolution Revolution.
When will you listen to the melodious voice of freedom calling you to re-build a structure that honors moving you to become victorious and successful? The moths of time eat away the fabric of your life unless you take purposeful action and make real changes now. You can't just stick out your thumb and hitchhike your way to eliminate the distractions that are keeping you from choosing the Pathway to the infinite possibilities of your life (A balanced, loving, and prosperous life). Do not wait for opportunity to knock on your door. Be prayerful. Have a SMART plan . Be on purpose . Be prepared . Take action . When will you be ready to do the work that needs to be done in order to transform Your 'self' for success? Resolve to make 2015 YOUR best year ever . An inner revolution is taking place and you are called to: Make some room and create a space where extraordinary things are more possible. Find the life underneath your life situa...