
Showing posts from September 27, 2015

Your Life Purpose

I believe as individuals, we choose this Life to do something that only we can do, our life purpose. Whether we are living our life purpose or not is another thing. It is very much like our life passion. We are unique individuals. As such, we each have particular means and methods of carrying that purpose into our lives, into the lives of those around us and into our community. When we operate from a place of unconditioned awareness and joy, when we are passionate about life and are living our purpose, we are in sacred service to the most high within us. Unfortunately, some of us miss a key ingredient to having a fulfilling life and that is, finding their life purpose. They may spend years of their life only to find at the end that they have done the wrong things. They have wandered and drifted, accomplishing nothing. Think about it! Successful men/women take the time to understand their life's mission (life purpose) and to determine what they're here to do. They...

The Catalyst To An Amazing Life-change

Standing on life's stage, take a moment to reflect on your life—both personally and professionally—over the last 10 months. Are you moving in the right direction, right now?   How often have you set limits for yourself that really constrained your success? If you want to think and feel that your Life is on purpose , then learn to be and SPEAK in a way that reflects positive and purposeful feelings. Take a STAND with a renewed attitude, purpose and being. An invitation to look into the mirror of your soul and accept the call to be responsible and creative rather than reactive. It is also a commitment call to your personal best—day in day out in order to gain a whole new lease on life. The choices are yours to make. You have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices beginning now. Think back. Reflect on your current situation and look at your life through the wide angle lens of time, and tally up the results you produced over the last 10 months. ...