
  • What are your expectations?
  • What are your expectations to yourself? 
  • Are your expectations from the "Entitlement

    thinking" perspective?
If yes, know--This expectation is the cause of a deep sense of powerlessness and prolonged resentment about being treated "unfairly."
It is the deepest source of many people's dissatisfaction. 
Your Expectations - It is true that the results you create are a result of your focus. Your expectations, based on what you focus on, blossom into self-fulfilling prophecies.
If you're not getting the results you are looking for, it is time to re-examine what you focus on.
If you keep focusing on the same things and keep doing what you’ve always done, sure enough, you’ll keep getting the same results. 
Your mind cannot tell the difference between something you think about or focus on that you do want, and the stuff you think about that you don’t want. Your mind is a very effective goal seeking mechanism and seeks to create precisely what you focus on. 
The key is to direct your focus on the goals and experiences that you do want in your life.
Think of your focus as a sticky boomerang. What you focus on comes back to you, with more strength that it has gathered along the way.
If you send out anger, fear, negativity or jealousy, you will invite the same thoughts manifold. 
  • When will you be ready to do the work that needs to be done in order to change your life for the better?
  • What’s the one thing you can do in order to achieve the success you desire a great deal sooner?
  • What are your expectations?
Your Expectations are to:
  • Excavate your authentic 'Self'.
  • Feel the peace and the stillness in the moment.
  • Choose EMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING over assuming the worst intentions.
  • Choose UNCONDITIONAL POSITIVE CARING over insensitivity.
  • Take CONSTRUCTIVE ENERGETIC ACTIONS to help get rid of the steam inside.
Your Expectations - There is something more
in the Heart and to reach new levels of success, you will have to grow. Get yourself ready and learn how to trust your inner wisdom (the quiet voice of courage) to move you toward the Sacred Service of Your Heart's Desire. Then, do what you need to do, in order to move your hopes and dreams off the page and into your life:
  • Learn and practice the steps necessary to optimize your motivation, meaning and inner fulfillment.
  • Train your mind to manage your life and learn on how to acquire discipline for yourself on your own terms.
  • Commit to unleash the full potentials of your mind.

The Catalyst To Live The Life You Want.
  • When will you be ready to do the work that needs to be done in order to change your life for the better?
  • What’s the one thing you can do in order to achieve the success you desire a great deal sooner?

   Uncover The Secret.
  • What must you do to stop traveling down a road littered with broken dreams and failed expectations?
  • What will it take for you to create crystal-clear expectations that will be born from powerful clarity, conviction, commitment and courage? 
  • When will you take ACTION to move your dreams into your life and resolve to make this Year YOUR best year ever (Your Life matters)?
It is highly recommended that you take the next
step on your path to success:
  • Discover a way that will lead you to Actually LIVE the life you want...

Purpose Driven eBooks provide you the reader the entry points to:
  • Manifesting abundance, prosperity and money.
  • Developing healthier relationships in your life.

Written By: Windsor Lindor
CEO, Life Coach & Lifestyle Strategist
© 2015 Windsor Lindor Consulting LLC All Rights Reserved.


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