Happy Mother's Day

Mothers are fiercely devoted to those they love.  
The soft glow of a mother's love upon her face and the feel of her touch and tender embrace. She serves her family well and with honor.
When adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with the children in their sunshine desert them when troubles thicken around them, still the mother clings to her children, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to her children's hearts. 

Emilienne Lindor was one these mothers. She remains in my heart and soul. She continues to bloom like a rose in my heart. The fragrance of her sacrifice remains here with me, reminding me of the beauty that surrounded her as a beautiful woman during her journey as my human-mother. 
I can still remember the pleasant and sweet smell of her Loving-Kindness not only in our home, but throughout our extended family, friends and strangers. 

She had a wonderful quality of being able to give our family a rich foundation of love and deep roots of character and strength. Another wondrous evidence of Life's special gift, my mother was.  

Mothers, they earn their wings and yes, they fly high above the rest. Like the mysteries of creation. A many splendoured miracle.
Men cannot understand. I cannot comprehend. They are the truest friends to humanity. With this in mind, mothers do not have to sacrifice their human experience because they are called women and they do not not have to sacrifice their doorway to life in order to be Fully Human Beings.
Why? Because they are the gifts of great strength, courage, intelligence, purpose, love and they are leaders. They raise new leaders, new pioneers with a never-failing love and sweet security. They are mothers. What beautiful gifts they are. 

This is their moment.  This is not to suggest that we cannot show our love to mothers throughout the year, it is more that we must pause and say thanks to our mothers for being our doorways to life.
Arise each day in your journey from an awareness place and with a voice of love whispering in your heart that something excellent is going to happen to you. No question about it, this will require you to reconnect and renew your Commitment.
Discover the steps necessary to shift your limiting beliefs in order to experience greater Love, Fulfillment and Harmony.

May the warmth of heart keep you presence aflame and may a voice of love whisper in your heart. "I love you unconditionally my child".

Happy Mother's Day

Written By: Windsor Lindor
Executive Coach, Life Coach & Lifestyle Strategist
In memory of my mother Emilienne Lindor
© 2015 Windsor Lindor Consulting LLC All Rights Reserved.


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