I N T E N T I O N A L  E X C E L L E N C E

As of right now, many have decided to no longer sit back with a victim mentality, and to accept no excuses. They have committed to build themselves an arch of courage within to go through their fear and move their comfort zone forward. They have committed to be responsible and raise their awareness to a higher level that will genuinely bring new dimensions of fulfillment and success into their life. They choose to celebrate the unending gift that life offers---the gift of perpetual renewal, every breath of their life. They make this a decisive moment and choose to make the REST of their life the BEST of their life through Intentional Excellence.

As of right now, we also can choose to be frustrated by what we believe has been lost, and feel pained and sad about it. Spend a lifetime grieving over a blown opportunity, or a relationship that went wrong. Or, we can choose not to make a decision. That is also a decision which could have consequences that are just as negative. Or, we can choose MEDIOCRITY. That is, we can choose to become stagnate, remain fearful, doubtful and see the absence of what we truly want in our performance and DOING NOTHING. What would we choose? What choices would we make in the next 24 hours to untangle from the conditional programs that keep us stuck?
As we are pondering on these questions, I submit we have the ability to act and the responsibility to discover the steps necessary to find the strength, confidence and courage to persevere; to face each day and to do what we must do and boldly go where we have been secretly desiring. It is certain most of us have challenges, but our individual response to them determines our well-being. Remember, we alone are responsible for our life. Every day is our time, our moment and our reason for choosing to take CONSTRUCTIVE ENERGETIC ACTIONS to renew our sense of purpose and be responsible human beings. With this in mind, through intentional excellence, we are reminded right now is the perfect time to take 100% responsibility for our life and make positive changes through purposeful actions. That is, bold actions that will eliminate the obstacles that keep us from achieving the success we really want. We will also have to get the extra boost we need to trust our inner wisdom and do what we need to become and do, in order to move our dreams off the page and into our life.

We are called to leave the ghost of our past behind and resign from doing less-than-excellent work.  Yes, we can and therefore, we must discover a new way, a way that leads to living up to the true promise of our life through Intentional Excellence. Unleashing the full potentials of our mind. Let's get started and begin sifting through all the nonsense we were taught, POWER UP our attitude and consciously choose productive thoughts. Know few things of value are gained without commitment to excellence and purposeful action. Learn the specific strategies to take charge of our life and pursue large dreams and goals. This will require commitment and work to the INTENTIONAL pursuit of EXCELLENCE.

Written By: Windsor Lindor
'Breakthrough to Your Success on Purpose...'
© 2017 - Windsor Lindor Consulting LLC All Rights Reserved. 


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