Finding Your Life's Purpose
- Have you ever thought that maybe - just maybe you're here on this journey (your life) for a much larger purpose than the role you're fulfilling now?
- Are you improving Your effectiveness and find true fulfillment?
- Have you ever really discovered what your unique/true purpose is?
- What would it take for you to commit to changing your life for the better?
- You choose this Life to do something that only you can do... Now, what is it?
- What are you waiting for to explore these questions about your own destiny, your life's purpose?
Your Life's Purpose - It will motivate you. In life there are always difficult times to go through. You may experience failures or rejections. In such situations, your life's purpose can give you the motivation you need to keep going.
It will help you see beyond the difficulties. Think about it! Successful men/women take the time to understand their life's mission and to determine what they're here to do. They then engage that role purposefully with passion and enthusiasm.
Finding your Life's Purpose - There is no magic pill. It is a personal thing. Everyone has different purpose and what applies to me might not apply to you and vice versa. It is a process. It is work and it takes time. This is perhaps the main reason why many people never find their life's purpose. They want results instantly. Unfortunately, finding life purpose does not work that way. It is more like a journey than a one-time stop.
- When will you take the time to invest and find your life's purpose?
- Have you found your life's purpose? If yes, when will you choose to make a serious effort to create a plan and act upon what you have found?
- Why would you want to find your life's purpose?
If you have a purpose and can articulate it with clarity and passion, everything makes sense; everything flows. You feel good about what you’re doing and clear about how to get there. Finding your Life's Purpose will give meaning to everything you do. It will make everything you do meaningful. You could be successful outside, but if you don’t find meaning you will feel empty inside. It will direct
and guide you - Not only can your life purpose give you meaning, but also it can give you clear direction of where to go in life. It will help you make big decisions in life. It will motivate you - In life there are always difficult times to go through. You may experience failures or rejections. In such situations, your life's purpose can give you the motivation you need to keep going.
It will help you see beyond - What you face in front of you may seem difficult but your life's purpose helps you see beyond it.
You have achieved an altered state of mind where you can seize every opportunity and understand how to make a permanent connection with the highest level of energy hidden within you. You are changing your life for the better and thinking of yourself as the majority shareholder in your life.
and guide you - Not only can your life purpose give you meaning, but also it can give you clear direction of where to go in life. It will help you make big decisions in life. It will motivate you - In life there are always difficult times to go through. You may experience failures or rejections. In such situations, your life's purpose can give you the motivation you need to keep going.
It will help you see beyond - What you face in front of you may seem difficult but your life's purpose helps you see beyond it.
- What will it take for you to commit to discover your life purpose and change your life for the better?
- What would it mean for you to move your life's purpose forward?
You have achieved an altered state of mind where you can seize every opportunity and understand how to make a permanent connection with the highest level of energy hidden within you. You are changing your life for the better and thinking of yourself as the majority shareholder in your life.
- When will you give your 'Self' PERMISSION to do the work that needs to be done and change your life for the better?
- Are you ready to make this a life of far greater SUCCESS and infinite possibilities?
- When will you commit to change your life for the better (Finding Your Life's purpose)?
Your Life's Purpose is a personal commitment to live the life you want. An invitation to live a life of far greater SUCCESS and infinite possibilities...
Written By: Windsor Lindor
CEO, Life Coach & Lifestyle Strategist
© 2015
Windsor Lindor Consulting LLC All Rights Reserved.
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