Your Life Purpose
I believe as individuals, we choose this Life to do something that
only we can do, our life purpose. Whether we are living our life purpose
or not is another thing. It is very much like our life passion. We are
unique individuals. As such, we each have particular means and methods
of carrying that purpose into our lives, into the lives of those around
us and into our community. When we operate from a place of unconditioned
awareness and joy, when we are passionate about life and are living our
purpose, we are in sacred service to the most high within us.
Unfortunately, some of us miss a key ingredient to having a fulfilling life and that is, finding their life purpose. They may spend years of their life only to find at the end that they have done the wrong things. They have wandered and drifted, accomplishing nothing. Think about it! Successful men/women take the time to understand their life's mission (life purpose) and to determine what they're here to do. They then engage that role purposefully with passion and enthusiasm.
As an Executive- Life Coach, when people come to me asking for solutions on how to approach their life purpose, I find that most people have a pretty good idea of what they need to do. What they lack is an accurate picture of where they are today and/or exactly how to get what they want. They have also hit a roadblock and have not enjoyed ongoing success. If we are like most people, we already know most of what we need to do to approach our life purpose.
Nevertheless, the intention of this article is not to depict what our individual purpose is and how we need to live the one life we have. However, pursuing and living our life purpose will direct and guide us. Not only can our life purpose give us meaning, but also it can give us clear direction of where to go in life.
Unfortunately, some of us miss a key ingredient to having a fulfilling life and that is, finding their life purpose. They may spend years of their life only to find at the end that they have done the wrong things. They have wandered and drifted, accomplishing nothing. Think about it! Successful men/women take the time to understand their life's mission (life purpose) and to determine what they're here to do. They then engage that role purposefully with passion and enthusiasm.
As an Executive- Life Coach, when people come to me asking for solutions on how to approach their life purpose, I find that most people have a pretty good idea of what they need to do. What they lack is an accurate picture of where they are today and/or exactly how to get what they want. They have also hit a roadblock and have not enjoyed ongoing success. If we are like most people, we already know most of what we need to do to approach our life purpose.
Nevertheless, the intention of this article is not to depict what our individual purpose is and how we need to live the one life we have. However, pursuing and living our life purpose will direct and guide us. Not only can our life purpose give us meaning, but also it can give us clear direction of where to go in life.
- Have we ever thought that maybe - just maybe we are here on this journey for a much larger purpose than the role we are fulfilling now?
- We choose this Life to do something that only we can do. Now, what is it?
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