Windsor's Perspective of the Simple Truth (Part 1 of 2)

The simple truth your mind and heart have been domesticated and without knowing it, you slip inside ready-made roles and routines which then set the frame of your possibilities and permissions. For a while you have been wrestling with life. You have been bullied into silence. It has been very difficult. It seems impossible for you to take control of your life. Your reason for living becomes streamlined. You acquire sets of convictions in relation to fulfillment, success and relationship to each other. You parrot your limited beliefs back and forth as they were absolute insights. You take these limited beliefs as self-constructed barriers, fragile clichés pulled around your life to keep out the mystery. These limited beliefs are making every effort to justify your reasons for not proceeding with placing healthy dependency to work. The simple truth, you are naturally creative and resourceful.You are adequate and worthy of changing your limited beliefs in order to attain the results you desire and deserve. However, the moths of time are eating away the fabric of your life and you are allowing fear, pain, old wounds, indecision, pride, procrastination and their cousins keep you from excavating your authentic 'Self' and choosing the pathway to Perfect Health, Prosperity, Inner peace and Great Love.
The “Self” is not the personal ego but a pervasive presence that cannot be escaped and the arduous task of being human is to approach your journey with your individualized plan. Your plan provides a systematic approach that will help you map out a course for your life and get you to your destination. You will also be called to excavate your authentic ‘Self’ in order to live a more loving, prosperous, abundant and balanced life.
The simple truth, your human life is supposed to be a romantic adventure. An invitation for you to focus on the present moment and release the past. A call to listen to the silence. This is where our life takes place, this is WHEN our life takes place in this silence: 
  • Can you hear it? 
  • What is calling your heart? 
  • Something deep inside is stirring. Will you choose to listen to the simple truth?  
When your true heart speaks, the echo will return to assure you that every moment of your presence is created from who you truly are. Then you can explore what gives your life meaning, purpose and inner fulfillment through awareness and courage. Well, if romance won’t come to you, I call for you to go to romance. However, you can also choose to allow fear, pain, old wounds, indecision, pride, procrastination and their cousins keep you from excavating your authentic ‘Self’ and choosing the Pathway to Health, Prosperity, Great Love and Inner Peace. Your life, your choice. 
However, the simple truth, the road to make this a life of far greater SUCCESS and infinite possibilities lies within the center of your spiritual being and not by seeking it in the external world. Within these thoughts, you are called to step into the unfamiliarity of a sightless world excavating your authentic "Self". I did. There, I gained confidence and learned the languages of excellence, grace, gratitude and success. With profound appreciation and gratitude for this life, I have learned how to apply a powerful blend of faith, courage, resolve, volition, discipline and tenacity to fulfill my own role as a Human Being, making a meaningful difference and finally living the life I was meant to live. It is also true, excavating is not glamorous work and it demands painstaking effort often under harsh conditions. Tons of dirt (limited beliefs) must be removed carefully from the site (your mind) if the search to uncover treasures from beneath the surface is to be successful. The thrill of discovery would not be half so sweet if time did not have to be invested in slowly digging through the dirt (limited beliefs).  
Windsor's Perspective of the Simple Truth 

  If you have been yearning to find the real you, refresh your sagging spirit, be spontaneous, be free, enjoy the present, recover a broken spirit, or retrieve the buried parts of you --- 'The Road To Change and Live The Life You Want' is for you... Read More <Here>

Written By: Windsor Lindor
CEO, Executive Coach & Project Manager
  © 2016 - Windsor Lindor Consulting LLC All Rights Reserved. 


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