A Contagion of Acknowledgment Moment in Gratitude.

  • Quieting the unremitting chatter inside.
  • Being Mindful.
  • Experiencing Acceptance, Appreciation, Compassion, Equanimity, Kindness, Love, Possibilities, Gratitude, Gentleness, Inner Peace and Grace.

In this moment, they are inextricably linked.
How can I explain my silent sea, approximate in words the gifts of life, and acknowledge this moment in gratitude?
I will simply remain and embrace  this moment of celebration and expression of gratitude to invite you to join me in spreading this contagion of acknowledgment in gratitude with those you encounter:
  • Invite others to "pay it forward" and I am sure from here you will walk on purpose and hold your head high. 
  • An invitation, without words, for all to share your vision. The vision that is boundlessly undefined, yet unfailing and sure, that tomorrow will be.
During this moment of expression of gratitude, you have an opportunity to witness the blessings in your life:
  • Know of your ability to choose, act, think and feel differently about your current state of affairs. 
  • Choose to leave the ghost of yesterday behind and open the Door to a Whole New World.
With this in mind, I challenge you to fill your mind with the great truths of Love and make this moment your time, and your reason for being on purpose.
Sounds simple, but it is not always easy. However, you can do it if you commit to make it happen purposefully. Look within and choose the spirits of Gratitude and Kindness to be your companions throughout your days.
Think about it! All of its echoes are endless and can actually change lives for better and transform your own life. 

  • What will it take for you to tune up your attitude of gratitude and move toward your deepest authenticity as a beautiful human being?
In the midst of challenging times, they will remind you to take time to reconnect and face forward into the winds of Awareness, Grace, Presence and Love through Gratitude on Purpose.
It is for certain something will shift in you through faith, courage, commitment, volition and resolve. You will feel lighter, more relaxed and can look at life from a more open view. The more you can do that on a daily basis, the greater the shift to increase prosperity, fulfillment, and abundance in your life. 
Gratitude will always reciprocate with bigger blessings.You are called upon to find the courage to reconnect with what you are grateful for.

When will you choose to listen to your inner reality with an attitude of gratitude and the awareness of extracting all you can from this life? 
Time to be grateful.
Time to:
  • Put the spotlight on gratitude and acknowledgment.
  • Embrace the joy of being alive.
  • Witness the blessings in your life.
  • Practice reaching beyond the current circumstances and start challenging your ability to lean into each other and to recognize the beauty and magnificence that is all around in gratitude.
  • Take a moment to breathe and witness the blessings in your life and connect with someone else by acknowledging them in gratitude.
  • S---T---R---E---T---C---H your heart and your ability to love and connect with each other, not just on holidays or when things are going smoothly, but particularly when you are more challenged and probably a little afraid. 
  • Look within and choose 'Thanks', 'Giving', Gratitude, and Kindness to be your companions throughout your days.
  • Because all of its echoes are endless and can actually change lives for better. 
  • The more you can do that on a daily basis, the greater the shift to increase prosperity, fulfillment, and abundance in your life. 
  • It is also my sense that in order for all of us to evolve, we need to grow our capacity to include the very real circumstances and reach beyond our challenging times.
Now, are you creating a space where extraordinary things are more possible, in service, in gratitude and in truth?  If not, why not?

I believe you can make this now a contagion of acknowledgment moment in Gratitude.

It is highly recommended that you take the next
step on your path to success:
  • Discover a way that will lead you to Actually LIVE the life you want...

Purpose Driven eBooks provide you the reader the entry points to:
  • Manifesting abundance, prosperity and money.
  • Developing healthier relationships in your life.

Written By: Windsor Lindor
CEO, Life Coach & Lifestyle Strategist
© 2015 Windsor Lindor Consulting LLC All Rights Reserved.


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