Becoming Stress Resilient

  • Have you noticed how much stress is affecting you, even as it takes a heavy toll?
  • What would your life be like if you were responding effectively to life’s stressors?
  • Are you wondering why you are often exhausted, frazzled, stressed-out, anxious and/or depressed? 

Your Life - You create 'Your Life' and yet you are stressed. You long to become empowered and experience mental peace. Instead, you often suffer a bewildering sense of worry and stress.
  • Is this the life you have chosen, the life you truly want to live?
  • When will you be  motivated and empowered to give your 'self' PERMISSION to participate in your own physical and emotional healing?
  • What would your life be like if you were responding effectively to life’s stressors?
It may not always feel like it, but the choices are yours to make. ACTIVELY choose to find  the strength and courage to invest in improving the quality of your own life by 'Becoming Stress Resilient'.
Beneath the surface of your ego's insatiable cravings, your authentic desires are waiting patiently for you to acknowledge, claim and express them. Your true desires compel you to grow, evolve and move you closer to your highest potential:

  • Bringing forth your soul's desires. It is the spark that illuminates your innate creativity and vision.
  • Unlocking your full potential for supporting life-long happiness satisfaction and significance.
  • Bringing You To The Highest Possible Emotional Quality Of Life.
  • Becoming Stress Resilient.
I am certain you are aware that stress is bad for you and to put it bluntly, it can kill you, in fact. Studies have revealed that stress causes deterioration in everything from your gums to your heart and can make you more susceptible to everything from the common cold to cancer.
Adding insult to injury, stress may even have a self-perpetuating effect. Depression and heart disease, for example, are not only the results of stress, but also causes of (more) stress. Consequently, the chronically stressed body can appear like a wailing speaker placed too close to a microphone; a feedback loop in which the stress response goes out of control, hastening physical decline with age.

Stress can suppress the 'healthy' immune system enough to increase an individual's risk of developing physical illness. 
Stress hormones also inhibit neuron growth in parts of the hippocampus, a brain area essential in forming new memories.

In this way, stress results in memory impairments and impairs the brain's ability to put emotional memories in context. 

Stress arises in your life as a sign that things are not in balance. It is a natural indicator that tells you it is time to take action. If you ignore it, the situation only gets worse. When you determine the root cause of the stress, reduce it as much as possible. 
  • What will take for you to notice when you are not taking care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually?
  • When will you choose to accept there is something more? (Something with eternal dimensions and incredible proportions. Something that allows you to unleash your creativity and  brings you to the highest possible emotional quality of life.)
Your Life - Your moment, and your reason to regain energy and balance in your life once again. However, to achieve a well balanced life, you must:
  • Apply great power and YOU are the person who must supply that power. It may be generated either by your own Hand or from others. That Hand is ALWAYS outstretched.

    You just need to be humble enough to accept it and start taking inspired steps towards a well balanced-life.
  Your Road To Becoming Stress Resilient.

Becoming Stress Resilient - You will be invited to learn the specific strategies on living your authentic life, and move towards more of what you love to do. The ways that you can honor yourself, your family and community. You will also be invited to learn the crucial skills that you need to a wonderful life and Breakthrough to Your Success on Purpose.
    However, if you do not want to Become Stress Resilient, I will not try to stop you or help you. In fact, I would not.
    Becoming Stress Resilient is a challenging process for life changing results. If you are not committed to:

    • Overcoming Fear and anxiety.
    • Unlocking your full potential for supporting life-long happiness satisfaction and significance.
    • Reducing stress in your life.
    • Living your best life.
    • Making the most of your life.
    Becoming Stress Resilient is probably not for you at this time.
    • What will it take for you to realize that you are 100% responsible for your life and life is a series of choices and being free from stress is one of these choices?
    • When will you choose to free your mind from Limiting beliefs, and Old wounds that weigh you down?
    However, if you have had enough of the way things have been for you and want to BREAK OUT of the old mold that has kept you from significantly reducing worry in your life, You may want to:
    • Know more about the mind/body connection as it relates to stress.
    • Take 100% responsibility for your life and the road to change your life for better.
    • Open your mental eyes and behold the treasure house of infinity. 
    • Plan for a stress free life.
    • Find harmony with everything that comes to you and embrace it.
    • Accept the challenges that come to you in life
    • Improve the areas that bring you joy in life.
    • Get the tools you need to respond effectively to life’s stressors.
    It is up to you to make certain that you restoring balance in Your life and Becoming Stress Resilient each and every day. If not, you are committing slow-motion suicide dying a little inside each day. True Life is short and it is your Life.

    In that short Life, you can't just stick out your thumb and hitchhike your way to eliminate the distractions (stress, fear, pain, old wounds and their cousins) that are keeping you from choosing the Pathway to Health, Prosperity, Love, Excellence and Inner Peace. 
    You must build yourself an arch of courage, roll up your sleeves and do the work that needs to be done in order to cultivate balance and harmony among all aspects of your life and bring you true happiness, and to:
    • The Highest Possible Emotional Quality Of Life.
    The Way of 'Changing Your Life For The Better' extends its open doors for you to:
    • End the cycle of Stress and significantly decrease worry in your life.
    • Have an added edge in reducing relational stress in your life.
    • Change your life for the better.
      Give it a Go and Breakthrough to Your Success on Purpose!
      • When will you Say YES to experiencing greater harmony and start the process of investing in your 'self'?
      • What will it take for you to become the person you need to be and to live on the raw edge of inner peace and excellence? 
      • Will you take the next step to become stress resilient?
      Think how much easier your day would be if you could reduce even a fraction of the chronic stress you endure. “Impossible,” you say? Hardly. 
      It is not only something that can be accomplished, but you can start right now at reducing the effects of stress on your body. Not only can you begin to feel less tense nearly immediately, but you will also contributing to your overall well being and Breakthrough to Your Success on Purpose.
       Becoming Stress Resilient.

      Written By: Windsor Lindor
      CEO, Life Coach & Lifestyle Strategist
      © 2015 Windsor Lindor Consulting  LLC All Rights Reserved.


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