Great Love

The power of love is Great Love. This is the state of being that you know from the time of your birth.
It is a state of being that you recognize as your true self – who you deeply are.
Great Love. It is INVOLVEMENT. It is COMMITMENT. It is not Momentary. It has roots. It is FOREVER. It IS a LIFELONG INVOLVEMENT. Great Love cannot be avoided. If you avoid it, you have avoided the greatest opportunity to grow. When you serve as a channel through which Great Love flows, you will open continuously to the truth of your actual experience. 'Your beauty arises from your spirit.' Thus, do not shut Great Love out of your life:
  • You will find that every moment is worth living to its fullest potential. 
Stop to think about Great Love for a moment:
  • Great Love is your 'soul' and it serves to develop your Character.
  • Great Love is unselfish, understanding and kind, for it sees with the heart and not with the mind.
  • Great Love will heal and lead you out into the pasture of possibility. It will hold you in the flow of that which will be alive. It will maintain you in the readiness to join this other person in all his/her possible 'unfoldings'. 
  • Great Love is a choice and it is developed through the implementation of caring decision that leads you from dependence and obsession into interdependence and truth.
  • Great Love is constantly developing and deepening. Expansion is its very nature.
    Great Love will enhance you, make you more by helping you grow, connect you and break down barriers.
  • Great Love is a commitment to working toward attaining the life of your dreams, one that binds achievement and fulfillment into one powerful force
  • Great Love is what unites 'Self' and others.
The “Self” here is not the personal ego but a pervasive presence that cannot be escaped.
Do Not just read, think or talk about Great Love. Commit to Great Love and become the human being who chooses to live life fully with a commitment NOT to be asleep to your true divine nature.
  • What will it take for you to create an undying Love and a spirit centered relationship?
  • How long are you willing to hold on to these limited beliefs as self-constructed barriers, fragile clichés pulled around your life to keep out the mystery?
  • What will it take for you not to shut Great Love out of your life?
You deserve the best. Time drop the Weight of Useless ready-made roles and routines which then set the frame of your possibilities. Everywhere around you mystery never sleeps. Great Love never sleeps. The same deep nature is within you. You are an incredibly sophisticated, subtle and open-ended work of art. You live at the heart of your own intimacy and you are a stranger to its endless nature. 

In your short Life:
  • Do you want to end conflict, remove distance,

    and restore Great Love in your life and relationship?
  • What will you do to cultivate Great Love in order to increase your capacity to become filled with Its Light?
  • What are you about beyond your words of Great Love?
  • Are you taking action that propels you down the path to doing the work that needs to be done in order to serve as a channel through which Great Love flows?
Open the Door to a Whole New World Within You. Commit to Great Love and let It manifest into you in ways you have never experienced and achieve the consistent results you demand in your relationship.

It is highly recommended that you take the next
step on your path to success:
  • Discover a way that will lead you to Actually LIVE the life you want...

Purpose Driven eBooks provide you the reader the entry points to:
  • Manifesting abundance, prosperity and money.
  • Developing healthier relationships in your life.

Written By: Windsor Lindor
CEO, Life Coach & Lifestyle Strategist
© 2015 Windsor Lindor Consulting LLC All Rights Reserved.


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