Open the Door

"When mystics use the word love, they use it very carefully -- in the deeply spiritual sense, where to love is to know; to love is to act. If you really love, from the depths of your Consciousness, that love gives you a native wisdom. You perceive the needs of others intuitively and clearly, with detachment from any personal desires; and you know how to act creatively to meet those needs, dexterously surmounting any obstacle that comes in the way. Such is the immense, driving power of love." Eknath Easwaran - 
The power of love opens a Whole New World Within You and it is Great Love. Commit to Great Love (Spirit Centered Love), and let It manifest into you in ways you have never experienced and achieve the consistent results you demand in your relationship. 
Open the Door - To a Revolutionary Approach for Creating Love. Your birthright as human being is to have access to Great Love (Spirit Centered Love) and your privilege is to serve as a channel through which it flows.
Do not give up. You were born to discover the Great Love (Spirit Centered Love) that lives within and to tap into your unlimited capacity:
  • To Give and Receive Great Love. 
  • When you connect to Spirit Centered Love (Great Love) and when you understand your soul's own need for conscious Loving.
  • When you see Great Love from that perspective, you realize that you are not ruined or defective goods and, in fact, are in line and connected with the Light of Great Love, you understand your role and responsibility to be accountable in Love.
Open the Door - Find a rhythm of thinking which reflects and articulates the uniqueness of your soul. It is time to break out of the prison of negative self-criticism and develop a sense of the inner adventure of your soul. Commit to transform your ego based system and attitude to one in which you can choose your pathway to develop Emotional Intelligence, experience Intimacy and Great Love.

  • What will it take for you to journey through the traps of ego into a life of meaning, purpose, joy and bringing new dimensions of Love into your life?
  • If Great Love (Spirit Centered Love)uses nonjudgmental attention, where do you think most of Your Judgments derive from?
  • What will it take for you to rejuvenate your love and commit to releasing all your judgments, resentments, grievances, expectations and labels in order to Create Great Love?
Great Love is your 'soul' and it has no conditions. It only has itself. It asks for nothing but to know that during the times when you are consumed by your fears-you can reach into your sacred space and it will take you to the higher levels of consciousness. Don't shut Great Love out of your life, it is time for you to:
  • Stop waiting, hoping and wishing that things will change on their own in your relationship.
  • Eliminate the distractions and diversions that have been keeping you from EXPERIENCING  GREATER LOVE AND HARMONY (The Journey to Co-Commitment).
Give 'Your' 'Self' permission to savor and enjoy the release of Great Love that flows through your body. Open your heart and allow Peace, Forgiveness and Trust all the way into 'You', so that they can live and breathe from the inside out. Now, commit to bring understanding and healing to the wounded parts of 'You' that often sabotage relationships.
Give It a Go - Find the trust to Get Started In Creating a new way of Creating Fulfilling Relationships. Why? It is 'The Catalyst To An Amazing Life-change and 'You' are worthy of experiencing Great Love. I am certain you will and can experience Great Love. However, your heart and spirit must request for freedom and let go of hang-ups and reservations that may keep you from coming out to experience Great Love. 

Great Love is of the heart - It will take you

to the higher levels of consciousness...

Binding Love and Fulfillment Into One Powerful Force. 

Dedicated to Your Success,
Written By: Windsor Lindor
CEO, Life Coach & Lifestyle Strategist
© 2015 Windsor Lindor Consulting  LLC All Rights Reserved.


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