Your Expectations

  • What are your expectations?
  • Have you had a chance to ask yourself, how far are you prepared to meet up to your own expectations?
  • How far can others meet up with your expectations?
  • What are your expectations of yourself and others for a given situation?
  • Are you expecting more than is realistic for this person in this particular situation?
  • When will you examine your underlying expectations about what you need to be happy and live the type of life you want?
  • What will it take for you to examine your expectations from others?
Perhaps you:
  • Have higher (or different) standards than others.
  • Expect others to follow your expectations as well as yourself. You may even be right. 
However, these are your expectations of others--not theirs. They are who they are, and one root of displeasure is not accepting people (or events) as they are.

  • Do you expect to DISCOVER and UNLEASH your full potential, or just whatever life hands you?
  • Do you have sky-high Expectations—coupled with the Power to exceed them—or do you just hope and pray to make it through the year?

Your Expectations - They are the key to your feelings. You are exclusively invited to:
  • Choose that which contributes most to your and others' happiness.
  • Accept that your life and all your options are a gift.
  • Not compare your gifts to others--especially to those that have more.
Your Expectations are to:
  • Sense even more the presence of the Truth in the midst of it all, that you chose to let it draw you closer, rather than away from Love and in that, peace and happiness will be within you.
  • Know that you are made strong in the Source. The Source gives you strength for your weakness, your fears are turned to hope, anger to forgiveness and bitterness to love.
  • Take a few minutes of your time each morning to pray and learn to be friendly to yourself
  • Learn to open your heart.
  • Feel yourself as your best friend.
  • Feel the Fruit of the Spirit in every part of your body, and your whole being.
  • Wish yourself that you will be well physically and mentally.

Let's Get Started 
  • When will you stop unwittingly choose MEDIOCRITY over EXCELLENCE?

It is highly recommended that you take the next
step on your path to success:
  • Discover a way that will lead you to Actually LIVE the life you want...

Purpose Driven eBooks provide you the reader the entry points to:
  • Manifesting abundance, prosperity and money.
  • Developing healthier relationships in your life.

Written By: Windsor Lindor
CEO, Life Coach & Lifestyle Strategist
© 2015 Windsor Lindor Consulting LLC All Rights Reserved.


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