Do Not Wait

    I believe the heart is our very center and the head is just our frontier. I also believe in the individuality of each human soul. We are artists. We are our own special kind of artists. Our souls are our canvas and our saxophone. We paint it, play it and transform it as every true artist does. 
    A call for us to become the special artists we were created to be by thinking and feeling that our Life is on purpose, then learning to SPEAK in a way that reflects positive and purposeful feelings.  We will also be called to take a STAND with a renewed attitude. The power we have to express and communicate, to think and thereby to create the events in our life. Transforming ourselves for success is not limited by our past failures---but by our willingness to be 100% committed to its accomplishment and to take the right actions---Right Now! The question remains:
    • How often have we set limits for ourselves that really constrained us to experience divine abundance and fulfillment?
    We might have the best of intentions to make certain changes in our life, yet we did not follow through on our resolutions to transform ourselves for success. Why? Is it because efforts to transform for success filter through our belief system and its focused energy collides with false beliefs, activating them like a time capsule, which short-circuits the original intention? I believe it is and it affects the outcome of our actions. Therefore, it is crucial that we identify any beliefs that could steer us away from actualizing our fulfillment, joy, healing, and balance. We are also called to get the tools we need to assist us at the onset of making our commitment to transform ourselves for success as we adopt a new way of thinking about ourselves in the New Year. 
    • What will it take for us to make one committed action within the next 25+ days so we can replace certain habits and limiting beliefs with things that are more conducive to our individual success for the New Year?
    Significant achievements and excellence in action suggest unequivocally that manifesting a life of fulfillment and balance requires personal commitment to break the chain of the past and embrace the fact that we were born to conquer all difficulties. This is a call for hard work for there is no fast track to high achievement and true success. It is also our individual responsibility to stop waiting for things to happen and make a personal commitment to:
    • BREAK OUT of the old mold that has kept us from the true success we desire.
    • Accept no excuses and get the help we need to transform our life for the better by helping us create the amazing, fulfilling successful life we secretly dream about.
    I encourage us to stop waiting for things to happen and instead start taking purposeful action. Transforming ourselves for success takes more than belief.  It requires our dedication and COMMITMENT to take purposeful action. Just think about how our life would turn out if we were truly dedicated and committed to transforming our life for the better this year. There's no reason to "think" about it. Give it a go for the New Year. If we have not committed to follow through, it’s probably because of “reasons” like:
    •  "We can’t afford it."
    •  "We don’t have the time."
    •  "We are not sure it will work for us."
    •  "We can do this on our own."
    Here’s the deal: If we look at other times in our life when we have been given opportunities that would help us make dramatic changes and create massive results--we will probably find that these are the same excuses we have used in other areas of life to continue “playing safe.” Well, this is our life. It is our responsibility to live our life to its fullest and accept the responsibility to live our true purpose starting in the New Year. This may require us to transform our belief system to one in which we can choose our pathway to re-create our own life by bringing intelligence to our body and mind. We must also accept the fact that we have all faculties to choose the path that will work for us. The one that will open our heart and make us say,   "Yes, that is our life."  Then we will feel a sense of serenity, and the door to our heart will melt open.

    True, this transformation does not happen overnight and it requires the power of Dedication, Discipline, Focus, Learning and the power of Personal Commitment. The source of our empowerment to fuel Positive Change. Transforming ourselves for success is like building a road-bed rock by rock with sweat of perseverance and humility of acceptance. A call for us not to let Fear, Indecision, Procrastination and their cousins be in our way for the New Year. Yes, it can be difficult, but not impossible if we find the volition, will power, determination, resolve and personal commitment to act on our intentions and invest in improving the quality of our own life.  Give it a go and find the help to eliminate the distractions and diversions that have been keeping us from transforming our success potential into tangible results. Why? Because it is time for us to stop paying lip-service to our commitment and make a New Year Resolution of making the rest of our life the best of our life.


    Written By: Windsor Lindor
    CEO, Executive Coach & Project Manager
      © 2016 - Windsor Lindor Consulting LLC All Rights Reserved.




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