Life is a romantic adventure, a journey. It is the living art of finding and expressing authentic-interaction with our true nature. Being in harmony with our true nature frees the mind and the arduous task of being human is to create an authentic-interaction with our true nature and transform ourselves for success. That is, when we are in concert with the attributes of our true nature, the echo will return to assure us that every moment of our presence is created from an authentic-interaction with our true nature. Then, we can explore what gives our life meaning, purpose and inner fulfillment through awareness, courage and purposeful actions. The creation of the authentic-interaction with our true nature and transform ourselves for success is a sacred adventure and, with purposeful actions and courage we will uncover all the stimulating choices we will ever need to be able to live this life as our true nature. With this in mind, everything we will ever BE, DO or HAVE in life comes down to 3 simple variables — all of which are within our complete control: Our Core VALUES. Our VISIONS. The ROLES we play to LIVE our Values and ACHIEVE our Visions. By bringing our values, roles and vision together by creating an authentic-interaction with our true nature into our life purpose and we will transform ourselves for success.
Fail to create an authentic-interaction with our true nature and to bring these 3 variables together and we will never be fully alive, find true love, accept, and embrace our true nature. We will chase harder and spend countless hours wishing and wondering. We will never quite get what we want out of life — or get to where we want to go. A call for us to step out of our comfort zone, face our fears and doubts and get the tools we need to create an authentic-interaction with our true nature and transform ourselves for success.
Time to pick up a decent-sized hand mirror and through the resilience and the will of our soul, look at ourselves for a while. Accept that moment as an invitation to quiet our mind and listen. Listen as we breathe. Keep our awareness on our heart and note that we are “wired” to face forward into the winds of Awareness and Authentic Interaction. The warm 'Presence' is alive and the encouraging presence we feel is not simply our breath, or the rhythm of our heart beat, it is rather the whole presence enfolding us and helping us to find the concealed door with the tools we need to create an authentic-interaction with our true nature and transform ourselves for success.
An exclusive invitation to be fearless, build ourselves an arch of courage, free ourselves from emotional pain, let go of old wounds, pride, procrastination and their cousins and choose the pathway to create an authentic-interaction with our true nature and transform ourselves for success.
Written By: Windsor Lindor
CEO, Executive-Life Coach & Project Manager
© 2017 - Windsor Lindor Consulting LLC All Rights Reserved.
CEO, Executive-Life Coach & Project Manager
© 2017 - Windsor Lindor Consulting LLC All Rights Reserved.
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